To pair your Android device from the Home screen follow the below steps:
  1. Touch the "Phone" button on the Home screen.
  2. If there is no phone connected, it will ask you, "Do you want to add a device?". Select "Yes". If a device has already been paired, select "Add Device".
  3. The device name will then appear and will most likely be SUBARU, but be sure to make note of what the name is so you can find it on your phone.
  4. On your Android device go to "Settings" and then to "Connected Devices" or "Connections".
  5. On your device select "Bluetooth". This will now show a screen to "Pair New Device" or it will be showing the nearby devices to add. Select "Subaru", if shown on the list, or "Pair New Device".
  6. Now select "Pair". Make sure you select "Yes" to the "Message Access Request" popup box to allow access to your contacts and call history.
  7. Next, on the Touchscreen, select "Confirm" if the PIN matches the phone. Then select "Download" to download the phonebook contacts.
  8. If you cannot access your phonebook or messages, go back to your phone's Bluetooth settings and select the gear icon next to your vehicle's device name and ensure all settings are enabled.